financial donation
financial donation
Darowizn z ostatnich 6 miesięcy:
osoba miejscowość data kwota cel
KRYSTYNA RADLIN 16.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
TERESA JASŁO 16.07.2024 400 zł Homes for poor families in India
TERESA JASŁO 16.07.2024 400 zł The means of transport for missionaries
SYLWIA ZDZIESZOWICE 16.07.2024 50 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
TERESA JASŁO 16.07.2024 700 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
ANTONI FLORYNKA 16.07.2024 100 zł Building of a boarding school in Chad
ELŻBIETA I DARIUSZ ŁĘKAWICA 16.07.2024 400 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
DOROTA I PIOTR KROBIA 16.07.2024 550 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
JERZY GORLICE 16.07.2024 20 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
EWA ZABRZE 16.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
BARBARA WARSZAWA 16.07.2024 500 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
STEFANIA WYSOKIE MAZOWIECKIE 16.07.2024 100 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
JOLANTA MIELEC 16.07.2024 220 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
ZOFIA ŚWIECIE 16.07.2024 200 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
LESZEK KIEŁPIN 16.07.2024 100 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
ALICJA RZESZÓW 16.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
BOGUMIŁA SERBY 16.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
TERESA KAMIENICA 16.07.2024 45 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
STANISŁAW BOGDANOWICE 16.07.2024 40 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
KLEMENS WIELICZKA 16.07.2024 100 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
ZUZANNA ŁOPUSZNO 16.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
JÓZEFA I MIECZYSŁAW TARNÓW 16.07.2024 45 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
ZENOBIA LEGNICA 16.07.2024 120 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
KATARZYNA KOŁO 16.07.2024 30 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
ELŻBIETA KRAKÓW 16.07.2024 100 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
MARIUSZ PUŁAWY 16.07.2024 100 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
ELŻBIETA WIELICZKA 16.07.2024 45 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
ANIELA TYCHY 16.07.2024 45 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
STANISŁAWA SOKOŁÓW MAŁOPOLSKI 16.07.2024 45 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
BARBARA SUSZEC 16.07.2024 50 zł Water wells in Tanzania
KATARZYNA GNIEWCZYNA ŁAŃCUCKA 16.07.2024 100 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
LAURA CZYŻOWICE 16.07.2024 50 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
STANISŁAW BIELSKO-BIAŁA 16.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of Light” in India
ANETA I EDWARD KRAKÓW 16.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
GRAŻYNA I LUCJAN NIEPORĘT 16.07.2024 45 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
IZOLDA KATOWICE 16.07.2024 50 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
BOGUMIŁA BOCHNIA 16.07.2024 40 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
GRZEGORZ WARSZAWA 16.07.2024 90 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
TADEUSZ ZŁOTORYJA 16.07.2024 100 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
ZOFIA GDAŃSK 16.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
LESZEK MIERZYN 16.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
ALEKSANDRA BEŁCHATÓW 16.07.2024 30 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
KAROL RZESZÓW 16.07.2024 50 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
ANNA I JANUSZ LUBLIN 16.07.2024 150 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
BERNARD JEMIELNICA 16.07.2024 30 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
HELENA I JAN BIŁGORAJ 16.07.2024 50 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
ELŻBIETA KOMORÓW 16.07.2024 70 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
KAZIMIERA NIEDRZWICA DUŻA 16.07.2024 30 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
DARIUSZ BOGUMIŁOWICE 16.07.2024 30 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
SŁAWOMIR WYSZKÓW 16.07.2024 240 zł "Adoption of Love" in a home for girls in Bolivia
Donate Missions