financial donation
financial donation
Darowizn z ostatnich 6 miesięcy:
osoba miejscowość data kwota cel
IRENA GDYNIA 16.07.2024 150 zł Water wells in Chad
JOLANTA i TADEUSZ JASIONKA 16.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
DOROTA LUBLINIEC 16.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of Light” in India
TERESA DZIADOWA KŁODA 16.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of Light” in India
KRYSTYNA PACZKÓW 16.07.2024 100 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
BARBARA RADYMNO 16.07.2024 200 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
ELŻBIETA PIOTRKÓW TRYBUNALSKI 16.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
LIDIA POZNAŃ 16.07.2024 50 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
JERZY KOLNO 16.07.2024 45 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
JERZY WROCŁAW 16.07.2024 70 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
LEOPOLD BIELSKO-BIAŁA 16.07.2024 40 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
DANUTA I ZDZISŁAW GDAŃSK 16.07.2024 50 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
BARBARA BIELSKO-BIAŁA 16.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
MARLENA BUK 16.07.2024 80 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
MAREK WROCŁAW 16.07.2024 55 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
LESZEK POZNAŃ 16.07.2024 45 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
ALEKSANDER SZAROCIN 16.07.2024 100 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
ALEKSANDER KUŹNIA RACIBORSKA 16.07.2024 40 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
ALICJA PUCK 16.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
MATEUSZ DROGOSZEWO 16.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of Light” in India
DOROTA LUBOCHNIA 16.07.2024 200 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
AGATA ŚREM 16.07.2024 100 zł Mass intentions
DANUTA BARTNICZKA 16.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Love" in a home for girls in Bolivia
RENATA GRABINY 16.07.2024 150 zł Mass intentions
ZOFIA ŁAŃCUT 16.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
MICHAŁ ERLANGEN 16.07.2024 81 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
MAŁGORZATA KRAKÓW 16.07.2024 100 zł "Adoption of Love" in a home for girls in Bolivia
MICHAŁ ERLANGEN 16.07.2024 81 zł "Adoption of Love" in a home for girls in Bolivia
MIROSŁAW GDYNIA 16.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
BEATA LUBARTÓW 16.07.2024 150 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
KRYSTYNA JASTRZĘBIE - ZDRÓJ 16.07.2024 200 zł “Adoption of Light” in India
ALEKSANDRA WARSZAWA 16.07.2024 200 zł Water wells in Chad
KRYSTYNA RUDA ŚLĄSKA 16.07.2024 100 zł Jałmużna Wielkopostna na misje
BARBARA RZESZÓW 16.07.2024 200 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
TERESA OPOLE 16.07.2024 100 zł The means of transport for missionaries
HALINA I DARIUSZ LUBICZ 16.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
GRAŻYNA LUBARTÓW 16.07.2024 100 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
KRYSTYNA PIŁA 16.07.2024 50 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
AGNIESZKA ORZESZE 16.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
ELEONORA CZELADŹ 16.07.2024 50 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
BARBARA I KAZIMIERZ RABKA-ZDRÓJ 16.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
REGINA JÓZEFOSŁAW 16.07.2024 1500 zł Mass intentions
BOGUSŁAWA MOCHOWO 16.07.2024 30 zł Host Bakery in Angola
HANNA STOBNO 16.07.2024 162 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
FRANCISZEK PRZEMYŚL 16.07.2024 30 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
GRAŻYNA MIECHÓW 16.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
ANDRZEJ ROPCZYCE 16.07.2024 50 zł The means of transport for missionaries
JANUSZ POZNAŃ 16.07.2024 100 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
GRAŻYNA MILANÓWEK 16.07.2024 20 zł Water wells in Chad
MARIA RYBARZOWICE 16.07.2024 100 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
Donate Missions