financial donation
financial donation
Darowizn z ostatnich 6 miesięcy:
osoba miejscowość data kwota cel
JAZ-BUD BIAŁYSTOK 31.07.2024 1000 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
MARIA SIEMIANOWICE ŚLĄSKIE 29.07.2024 400 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
KS. PIOTR ŁĘTOWNIA 29.07.2024 300 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
KS. PIOTR ŁĘTOWNIA 29.07.2024 750 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
MARIA LISZKI KRYSPINÓW 26.07.2024 200 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
LECH PIASTÓW 25.07.2024 200 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
KRYSTYNA WĘGORZYNO 23.07.2024 30 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
MIRELA I KRZYSZTOF PRÓSZKÓW 23.07.2024 200 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
ANNA I JERZY LUBLIN 23.07.2024 50 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
WANDA WROCŁAW 22.07.2024 100 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
ALINA CHOJNÓW 22.07.2024 50 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
JOLANTA TYCHY 22.07.2024 40 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
KRYSTYNA WOLSZTYN 17.07.2024 100 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
STANISŁAW JELCZ-LASKOWICE 17.07.2024 25 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
JANUSZ RZESZÓW 17.07.2024 30 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
ZOFIA I MIROSŁAW MYŚLENICE 17.07.2024 40 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
SYLWIA ZDZIESZOWICE 16.07.2024 50 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
MICHAŁ ERLANGEN 16.07.2024 81 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
ALINA I KACPER KRAKÓW 15.07.2024 60 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
PAWEŁ ORZESZE 15.07.2024 10 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
PIOTR KRAKÓW 15.07.2024 25 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
KRYSTYNA ZIELONA GÓRA 15.07.2024 350 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
STANISŁAWA I STANISŁAW ŁÓDŹ 15.07.2024 100 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
TERESA I ROMAN PUŁAWY 12.07.2024 50 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
ZOFIA RADOMSKO 12.07.2024 10 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
MAŁGORZATA BYDGOSZCZ 11.07.2024 35 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
ALINA I KACPER KRAKÓW 11.07.2024 60 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
KAROLINA PRZEGĘDZA 11.07.2024 60 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
MARCELI OŚWIĘCIM 10.07.2024 100 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
KAMILA I BARTOSZ RYBNIK 10.07.2024 30 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
MARIA ŁASZCZÓW 10.07.2024 30 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
DANIELA SOSNOWIEC 09.07.2024 100 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
JANINA HARBUTOWICE, SKOCZÓW 09.07.2024 100 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
SEWERYN CZĘSTOCHOWA 09.07.2024 60 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
RENATA OSTROWIEC ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKI 09.07.2024 60 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
ANNA BIAŁOGARD 08.07.2024 35 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
KORNELIA ŁÓDŹ 08.07.2024 10 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
ZOFIA GŁOGÓW 08.07.2024 100 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
MARTA MUSZYNA 08.07.2024 80 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
AGNIESZKA TARNOBRZEG 08.07.2024 50 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
MAGDALENA I ŁUKASZ KROŚCIENKO WYŻNE 08.07.2024 50 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
KARINA I KRZYSZTOF SKOCZÓW 05.07.2024 60 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
DANUTA I KAZIMIERZ GROMADKA 05.07.2024 500 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
JÓZEFA MIELEC 05.07.2024 50 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
DANUTA I RYSZARD OPOLE 04.07.2024 100 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
WANDA ŁABUNIE 04.07.2024 40 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
BEATA BRZESKO 03.07.2024 100 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
PIOTR KIELCE 03.07.2024 50 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
DOROTA BOŻA WOLA 03.07.2024 100 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
ARTUR KRAKÓW 02.07.2024 100 zł Feeding and Education of the kids in Opol
Donate Missions