financial donation
financial donation
Darowizn z ostatnich 6 miesięcy:
osoba miejscowość data kwota cel
MARIA ŻŁOBIZNA 01.07.2024 10 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
ALDONA KOBYLANKA 28.06.2024 30 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
MARIA JAWORZNO 27.06.2024 40 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
ELŻBIETA ŁÓDŹ 26.06.2024 10 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
ELŻBIETA ZGIERZ 25.06.2024 50 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
URSZULA ZIELONA GÓRA 25.06.2024 250 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
STEFAN WAŁBRZYCH 24.06.2024 50 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
ZBIGNIEW BIELSKO-BIAŁA 20.06.2024 55 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
JERZY GORLICE 20.06.2024 20 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
ANDRZEJ GOCZAŁKÓW 19.06.2024 200 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
STEFANIA ZGORZELEC 17.06.2024 100 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
Michał Gdańsk 17.06.2024 500 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
GERTRUDA PSZÓW 13.06.2024 200 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
IZABELA GLIWICE 11.06.2024 70 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
MAGDALENA KRZEMIENICA 11.06.2024 35 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
JOANNA ŚWIĄTKOWO 10.06.2024 75 zł Children nutrition and education in Chad
Donate Missions