financial donation
financial donation
Darowizn z ostatnich 6 miesięcy:
osoba miejscowość data kwota cel
DOROTA I RAFAŁ SPYTKOWICE 01.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
JADWIGA POPIELOWSKA KOLONIA 01.07.2024 20 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
GABRIELA LIDZBARK 01.07.2024 150 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
KS. DR RYSZARD PACYNA 01.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
JOLANTA NOWE PIEŚCIROGI 01.07.2024 45 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
JOANNA, TOMASZ I KAMILKA KRAKÓW 01.07.2024 35 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
TERESA BUKOWINA TATRZAŃSKA 01.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
MARIA BYTÓW-RZEPNICA 01.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
WIESŁAWA ODRZECHOWA 01.07.2024 45 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
WIKTORIA I PIOTR BUK 01.07.2024 80 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
MARIA WARSZAWA 01.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
DOROTA SŁUPSK 01.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
PIOTR KAMIONKA 01.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
MAŁGORZATA RUMIA 01.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
MARIA I MARCIN WARSZAWA 01.07.2024 150 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
PIOTR SIEDLEC 01.07.2024 70 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
MARTA WROCŁAW 01.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
DOMINIK BOGUCICE 01.07.2024 40 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
REGINA GDAŃSK 01.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
EUGENIUSZ WOJNICZ 01.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
SABINA TARNOWIEC 01.07.2024 55 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
MONIKA GRUDZIĄDZ 01.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
KRYSTYNA NIEPOŁOMICE 01.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
MONIKA I MIROSŁAW ŻARÓW 01.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
KATARZYNA ZABIERZÓW 01.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
HUBERT GOGOLIN 01.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
MAŁGORZATA KRAKÓW 01.07.2024 72 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
ZENONA KLUCZBORK 01.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
ANNA I ADAM LĘDZINY 01.07.2024 200 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
HELENA I FRANCISZEK BOLESŁAWIEC ŚLĄSKI 01.07.2024 120 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
JACEK BUKOWNO 01.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
URSZULA I WALDEMAR OSIEK 01.07.2024 200 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
DOROTA OLSZTYN 01.07.2024 45 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
KLARA WARSZAWA 01.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
DANUTA STRZELNO 01.07.2024 35 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
MARIA I JERZY WOJNICZ 01.07.2024 70 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
MAGDALENA MIECHUCINO 01.07.2024 60 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
BEATA 01.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
ELŻBIETA GOLANKA DOLNA 01.07.2024 200 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
EUGENIUSZ WOJNICZ 01.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
BARBARA NOWA SARZYNA 01.07.2024 50 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
JACEK POZNAŃ 01.07.2024 40 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
JAKUB KRAKÓW 01.07.2024 35 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
MACIEJ MESZNA 01.07.2024 200 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
JOANNA RZESZÓW 01.07.2024 90 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
RENATA I ARTUR GILOWICE 01.07.2024 35 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
TERESA ZIELONKA 01.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
Tomasz Tychy 01.07.2024 200 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
WANDA KAŁKÓW 28.06.2024 50 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
MONIKA I PAWEŁ WIELICZKA 28.06.2024 60 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
Donate Missions