financial donation
financial donation
Darowizn z ostatnich 6 miesięcy:
osoba miejscowość data kwota cel
HELENA KOMORNIKI 03.07.2024 50 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
IZABELA BRZEG 03.07.2024 100 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
AGNIESZKA I KRZYSZTOF ŁĘCZNA 03.07.2024 50 zł Safe Mom 2025 - Adoption of an unborn child in CAR
SABINA KALISZ 03.07.2024 300 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
MARIOLA DOMECKO 03.07.2024 50 zł Safe Mom 2025 - Adoption of an unborn child in CAR
MARIOLA DOMECKO 03.07.2024 50 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
MAŁGORZATA PAWŁÓW 03.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Love" in a home for girls in Bolivia
JERZY GORLICE 03.07.2024 20 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
RYSZARD KOWARY 03.07.2024 150 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
MARIA SZCZECIN 03.07.2024 100 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
BOŻENA MOSTY 03.07.2024 50 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
LUCYNA SZCZECIN 03.07.2024 100 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
ELŻBIETA ŚWIDNICA 03.07.2024 200 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
MARIA WOŁÓW 03.07.2024 100 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
MONIKA ŻORY 03.07.2024 40 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
ADAM ZAGÓRZ 03.07.2024 30 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
BOGUSŁAWA I MIECZYSŁAW ZAWIDÓW 03.07.2024 200 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
BERNARDYNA KATOWICE 03.07.2024 100 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
MARIANNA KRAKÓW 03.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Love" in a home for girls in Bolivia
MARIA WIDEŁKA 03.07.2024 150 zł "Adoption of Love" in a home for girls in Bolivia
KONRAD GDYNIA 03.07.2024 50 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
PIOTR GRYBÓW 03.07.2024 30 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
DANUTA TARNOWSKIE GÓRY 03.07.2024 100 zł “Adoption of Light” in India
ALICJA ROKIETNICA 03.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
MARIA WĄSEWO 03.07.2024 50 zł Safe Mom 2025 - Adoption of an unborn child in CAR
CZESŁAWA OLSZTYN 03.07.2024 100 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
MATEUSZ ŻYRARDÓW 03.07.2024 200 zł "Adoption of Love" in a home for girls in Bolivia
HELENA SZCZECINEK 03.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
ROBERT PRUSZKÓW 03.07.2024 100 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
PRZEMYSŁAWA WARSZAWA 03.07.2024 100 zł Sercańskie Centrum socjalne im. O. Dehona
ANNA I FABIAN RUDA ŚLĄSKA 03.07.2024 100 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
GRZEGORZ WIERZCHLAS 03.07.2024 50 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
JÓZEF DĘBICA 03.07.2024 162 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
AGNIESZKA I KRZYSZTOF ŁÓDŹ 03.07.2024 45 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
BOGUSŁAW GŁUBCZYCE 03.07.2024 100 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
KATARZYNA RABKA-ZDRÓJ 03.07.2024 120 zł Mass intentions
KATARZYNA RABKA-ZDRÓJ 03.07.2024 120 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
URSZULA ŁAŃCUT 03.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Love" in a home for girls in Bolivia
MARIA ŻOŁYNIA 03.07.2024 50 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
DANUTA NOWE BRZESKO 03.07.2024 20 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
IRENA GOŚCICINO 03.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
JADWIGA PUŁTUSK 03.07.2024 10 zł Water wells in Tanzania
JADWIGA PUŁTUSK 03.07.2024 10 zł "Adoption of Love" in a home for girls in Bolivia
DOMINIKA GDAŃSK 03.07.2024 45 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
TERESA CZĘSTOCHOWA 03.07.2024 45 zł "Adoption of Love" in a home for girls in Bolivia
IWONA I MIECZYSŁAW BRZESKO 03.07.2024 100 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
KRYSTYNA BRZESKO 03.07.2024 200 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
AGNIESZKA WARSZAWA 03.07.2024 70 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
JAROSŁAW RAWA MAZOWIECKA 03.07.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Love" in a home for girls in Bolivia
SEBASTIAN KĘTRZYN 03.07.2024 7 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
Donate Missions