financial donation
financial donation
Darowizn z ostatnich 6 miesięcy:
osoba miejscowość data kwota cel
KATARZYNA WARSZAWA 10.06.2024 80 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
KAMILA I BARTOSZ RYBNIK 10.06.2024 30 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
EWA TUCHOLA 10.06.2024 150 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
JAN DĘBICA 10.06.2024 100 zł Building of a boarding school in Chad
EWA ZABRZE 10.06.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
ANNA I PIOTR KRAKÓW 10.06.2024 150 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
BRYGIDA WEJHEROWO 10.06.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
JOANNA BĘDZIN 10.06.2024 150 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
ELŻBIETA GORZÓW WLK. 10.06.2024 50 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
ANNA WROCŁAW 10.06.2024 100 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
MAGDALENA DĄBROWA TARNOWSKA 10.06.2024 45 zł “Adoption of Light” in India
KINGA WARSZAWA 10.06.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
ANDRZEJ STARY SĄCZ 10.06.2024 200 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
STANISŁAW WAŁBRZYCH 10.06.2024 100 zł "Adoption of Love" in a home for girls in Bolivia
JANUSZ WOJNICZ 10.06.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
SYLWIA WARSZAWA 10.06.2024 50 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
MARIA GDAŃSK 10.06.2024 30 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
STANISŁAW SIEDLISKA 10.06.2024 60 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
ADAM ŁOŚ 10.06.2024 180 zł "Adoption of Love" in a home for girls in Bolivia
JANUSZ JAROSZÓW 10.06.2024 40 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
MARIA LUBLIN 10.06.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
KUNIGUNDA OPOLE-SŁAWICE 10.06.2024 45 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
WANDA KIELCE 10.06.2024 50 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
PAWEŁ WROCŁAW 10.06.2024 40 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
PAWEŁ WROCŁAW 10.06.2024 20 zł Water wells in Tanzania
BENEDYKTA GDAŃSK 10.06.2024 80 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
BENEDYKTA GDAŃSK 10.06.2024 120 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
HELENA WARSZAWA 10.06.2024 40 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
ANDRZEJ POZNAŃ 10.06.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
HELENA SZCZECIN 10.06.2024 50 zł “Adoption of Light” in India
BARBARA I MIROSŁAW LEGNICA 10.06.2024 50 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
HALINA I WOJCIECH LUBLIN 10.06.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
HELENA USTRZYKI DOLNE 10.06.2024 50 zł “Adoption of Light” in India
AGNIESZKA TYCHY 10.06.2024 100 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
PIOTR RYBNIK 10.06.2024 100 zł Building of a boarding school in Chad
STANISŁAWA I ARKADIUSZ ZABRZE 10.06.2024 50 zł “Adoption of Light” in India
IRENA WROCŁAW 10.06.2024 75 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
CELINA I ADAM RZESZÓW 10.06.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
TEODOR TOMASZÓW LUBELSKI 10.06.2024 20 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
LUCYNA ROKIETNICA 10.06.2024 50 zł “Adoption of Light” in India
WIOLETTA OPOLE 10.06.2024 50 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
ANNA ŻABNICA 10.06.2024 162 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
MARIA I JULIAN KATOWICE 10.06.2024 350 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
ANNA ŁÓDŹ 10.06.2024 40 zł "Adoption of Hope" in a children's home in Bolivia
EDYTA BIBICE 10.06.2024 250 zł “Adoption of the Heart” in Kasanag Daughters Foundation in the Philippines
JADWIGA TARNÓW 10.06.2024 100 zł Nutrition children project in Zambia
ZOFIA KRAKÓW 10.06.2024 90 zł "Adoption of Light" in Rwanda
JÓZEF GRYFINO 10.06.2024 200 zł “Adoption of Light” in India
LUCYNA CZARNA 10.06.2024 50 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
EWA SIECHNICE 10.06.2024 40 zł Donation for missions where it is most needed
Donate Missions