financial donation
financial donation
Darowizn z ostatnich 6 miesięcy:
osoba miejscowość data kwota cel
Helenka Turek 11.10.2024 50 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
BERNADETA MYSŁOWICE 18.09.2024 100 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
BERNADETA MYSŁOWICE 18.09.2024 176 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
ROBERT GOGOLIN 02.09.2024 100 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
BERNADETA MYSŁOWICE 22.08.2024 100 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
ANETA STARGARD 16.08.2024 10 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
KRYSTYNA ŁÓDŹ 14.08.2024 100 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
JADWIGA TORUŃ 07.08.2024 20 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
ROBERT GOGOLIN 01.08.2024 100 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
MAŁGORZATA LUBKÓW 31.07.2024 30 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
BERNADETA MYSŁOWICE 17.07.2024 100 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
JADWIGA TORUŃ 10.07.2024 40 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
BOŻENNA WARSZAWA 08.07.2024 50 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
10-RÓŻA RÓŻAŃCOWA GD KOLEGIATA GDAŃSK WRZESZCZ 04.07.2024 300 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
ROBERT GOGOLIN 28.06.2024 100 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
ANDRZEJ ŻORY 28.06.2024 1500 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
BERNADETA MYSŁOWICE 20.06.2024 100 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
STEFANIA KRAKÓW 12.06.2024 50 zł Construction of a charity center and a church in Ukraine
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