financial donation
financial donation
Darowizn z ostatnich 6 miesięcy:
osoba miejscowość data kwota cel
Karol Gdynia 14.11.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
Grzegorz Gdansk 11.11.2024 1000 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
Amadeusz Szmigiel 09.11.2024 40 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
Cezary Jeziórko 04.11.2024 50 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
Cezary Jeziórko 07.10.2024 50 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
Piotr Olsztyn 23.09.2024 110 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
GABRIELA I KRZYSZTOF BIERUŃ STARY 19.09.2024 300 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
Mateusz Sosnowiec 14.09.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
KINGA WARSZAWA 10.09.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
GRAŻYNA MIKOŁÓW 10.09.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
ANNA GDAŃSK 06.09.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
ANETA STARGARD 03.09.2024 15 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
Cezary Jeziórko 03.09.2024 100 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
ZYGMUNT HACZÓW 02.09.2024 500 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
ŁUKASZ SKOCZÓW 02.09.2024 400 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
JUSTYNA OLKUSZ 28.08.2024 25 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
DANUTA MAŁDYTY 26.08.2024 50 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
Beata Warszawa 24.08.2024 75 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
ZOFIA GĄBIN 20.08.2024 70 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
EDWARD OLSZTYN 20.08.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
WOJCIECH JAWORNIK 19.08.2024 100 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
GABRIELA I KRZYSZTOF BIERUŃ STARY 16.08.2024 300 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
LEKARZE I PRZYRODNICY PRZY KAPELANII INST. HEMATOLOGII I WARSZAWA 14.08.2024 120 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
ANNA GDAŃSK 13.08.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
Piotr Olsztyn 12.08.2024 40 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
Cezary Jeziórko 11.08.2024 100 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
KINGA WARSZAWA 09.08.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
ERYKA RYDUŁTOWY 08.08.2024 100 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
ŁUKASZ SKOCZÓW 02.08.2024 400 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
PIOTR OLECKO 01.08.2024 500 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
URSZULA I JÓZEF TYMBARK 01.08.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
GABRIELA I KRZYSZTOF BIERUŃ STARY 11.07.2024 300 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
MAŁGORZATA POLANKA WIELKA 10.07.2024 60 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
ERYKA RYDUŁTOWY 10.07.2024 100 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
KINGA WARSZAWA 10.07.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
EWA BUKOWINA TATRZAŃSKA 09.07.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
Piotr Olsztyn 06.07.2024 110 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
ANNA GDAŃSK 04.07.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
Cezary Jeziórko 04.07.2024 100 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
ŁUKASZ SKOCZÓW 02.07.2024 400 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
Beata Warszawa 26.06.2024 100 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
Beata Warszawa 26.06.2024 100 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
EDWARD OLSZTYN 25.06.2024 100 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
GABRIELA I KRZYSZTOF BIERUŃ STARY 13.06.2024 300 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
AGATA WARSZAWA 13.06.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
ANNA GDAŃSK 11.06.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
ERYKA RYDUŁTOWY 11.06.2024 100 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
MAŁGORZATA POLANKA WIELKA 10.06.2024 40 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
KINGA WARSZAWA 10.06.2024 200 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
Piotr Olsztyn 08.06.2024 350 zł Humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine
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